Monday, July 6, 2015

Celebrate Good Times!

This has been a week of celebrations!  Grandpa’s birthday was on Thursday, so he and Jamie went to the Tigers game while Grandma watched the girls.  The game was pretty rough, and it was also hot… so perhaps not the best birthday outing!  

Happy Birthday, Dad!  I got you this sunburn!

I have never heard Maggie sing “Happy Birthday” in full, without begging…  so this video is kind of a big deal:

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

I'll watch Evie, Grandma!

Cousin Hannah stopped by for
the birthday boy and got to meet Evie

So did Emma!

Hanging with Aunt Amy...
and giving me the stink eye?

Jamie and I got spoiled on Friday… Grandma watched the girls for us so we could go out to dinner.  We went to Jolly Pumpkin in Detroit (soooo tasty), and had a really wonderful time!  Even though Jamie isn’t working, we have surprisingly little quality time together.  Just talking without interruption was magical!

What are you talking about?  We are awesome
dinner companions!

We didn’t do much for the Fourth of July.  I bought some cheap fireworks to do with Maggie, but we couldn’t keep her awake until it was dark!   Thankfully both girls slept through all the noise from other fireworks.  White noise machines are essential in our house!

Taking Will for a ride

Maggie had her first slurpee!  'Merica.

We also celebrated baby Will’s first birthday this weekend!  Amy and Rex had everyone up to their campgrounds to celebrate, and it was a beautiful day!  Will is such an awesome little guy.  He will walk anywhere and touch anything – no fear!  He just grins at everyone and flashes his baby blues… gonna be a heartbreaker someday!

Life couldn't get better!

Singing with Mom and Dad!

I took Maggie for her first swim (in a big pool) this year, and she had a blast!  She kept asking to “swim like a goldfish,” which apparently means “hold me so that I’m on my belly, and I will just lay here like a dead fish while you move me around.”  She was really cute and I had such a good time with her!

My little goldfish

Yes! Ball pit!

Playing ball with Grandpa

Maggie loved climbing into "her castle"

Family photo - Evie, try not to look so excited!

Eh, that's the best we got!

I got to see Bobby and his family on Sunday because I subbed at St. Mike’s.  Luke asked me if I knew that he was a ninja turtle (the purple one, duh).  He is very excited for his birthday party coming up with all his friends.  We found out that they are having another baby girl in November, so Claire will have a gal-pal!  The girls are taking over our family, and I’m so happy that our little ones will be so close in age!

Here's a few other randoms from the week:

Focusing on the Tigers with Daddy

Boots. Headband. Every color. Check.

This is what peace looks like

Maggie spent an hour "fixing" all our bikes...
by inserting a screwdriver into the pedals

Jamie tried to give her a mohawk...
it's more like an old man comb-over

For some reason, Maggie likes to compete with us about who loves who most... it's kind of weird, but makes me laugh every time:

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