Monday, April 10, 2017

Opening Day!

With Jamie and Evie’s birthdays being so close together, I decided to surprise Jamie with an early birthday present this week.  On Tuesday he found out (through a variety of dorky clues) that he was taking Friday off work to go to Tigers opening day with me!  We had such a good time!  The morning was spent tailgating with cousin Pat (incredible food!) in Eastern Market, and then we walked over to the game.  The weather was gorgeous, sunny and crisp!  We went out to dinner afterward and then collapsed by 9pm – it was a long but fabulous day!

Tailgate in Eastern Market

Giant JENGA!

Yes, those are steaks.  MMMMMazing

Oh, also a beautiful brat
(as in bratwurst, not my beautiful bratty self)

Evie has been testing her boundaries lately, and is becoming more difficult to handle in public.  She mostly good, but probably has at least one screaming/crying fit for every public outing.  She really likes to protest by sitting down, no matter how gross or uncomfortable it may be.  She’s also been very affectionate to me lately… so we are running hot and cold!

So lovable

Maggie is continuing to mature, and really loves the structure of preschool.  She likes to pretend her dolls and legos are in school, and gives everyone their own job (line leader, prayer leader, etc.).  She keeps using the phrase “on the other hand” whenever comparing two things… it’s so cute to hear a four year old use phrases like that (idioms?).

Future teacher?

Drama queen

A bunch of photos from the past couple weeks:

Blaze pizza is our new favorite restaurant to take the kids -
cheap, quick and the kids actually eat their food!

Worn out at the playground

Khaleesi riding into battle

Climbing a tree (aka, Daddy setting her in a tree)

Late night jam session

Captivated by a little girl guitarist at
our Farmers Market

Wow.  They went somewhere with Dad and got donuts.
Unheard of.

Busy bees

We may have gone to Blaze two times in a week...
don't judge me.

Mischief maker

Impatient for breakfast after church!

We swapped out Maggie's car seat for a booster,
and Evie thinks this is her own personal throne

When Dad is busy cleaning the basement and
Maggie wants to create a parade of toys...

Sisters for life

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