Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fun Quaruntimes

This past Monday the Stay-Home-Stay-Safe directive was enacted by the Governor... all city staff is now staying home except for critical services (turns out, I am not all that essential - trying not to be sensitive about it, lol).  

 They think I'm essential

All Catholic Schools have been directed to continue education throughout the shutdown, while all public schools have been strictly directed NOT to provide new material, only refresher-type activities.  Last week was super stressful trying to organize all the different lessons, worksheets, activities, and projects Maggie was supposed to do throughout the week.  Evie's preschool class is thankfully much simpler, but we still have some work to do there.

Evie's paper plate project
Maggie's art project in the style of Joan Miro

So I am working, but more in standby mode, constantly trying to keep up with emails and conference calls.  Jamie has to post something for his students each day, but that hasn't been too difficult to squeeze in.  The girls have been really good about doing their work; I'm a big believer in structure and schedules, and so we have a pretty standard day plan on weekdays.  

Learning the wide world of Elmo

It is all do-able, but this past week was absolutely exhausting.  Between all the scary health possibilities, trying to make sure we have food planned, keeping up with work while keeping up with Ben while keeping up with schooling... it's been tough.  On the bright side, I am soaking up all this beautiful time with my kids, and I think they are really happy too.  We play sports, play games, bake together, watch movies... lots of stuff that we rarely have time for on a daily basis.  I'm a little worried about separation anxiety if we ever get these kids back to school and daycare, especially Ben Ben.  He's my little mama's boy.

Climbing the stairs is one of his fave activities

I started giving piano lessons to Maggie, based on books that my piano teacher recommended for her.  They are really great books, and they give her a chance to be creative while learning the ropes.  We've only had two lessons, but she did awesome!

Evie has been having some attention issues; Maggie needs a lot from us in order to get her work done, and Ben needs a lot because he's a baby... Evie seems to feel left out a lot.  She's been having a lot of meltdowns and sleep issues this past week.  Doing our best to give her what she needs, but it's been a challenge!

Sometimes you just need a breather

Ben has been a handful lately; we seem to keep having 2 to 3 day stretches of misery as his other teeth come in.  He basically whines all day until he sleeps.  However, when he's back to his normal self, he's a cutey pie.  He is not a big cuddler, but touches us with his forehead to show affection.  He still loves meat and Cheerios, and oranges seems to be his new favorite fruit.  He's almost outgrown all his 18-month clothes, so I'm hoping I can order some stuff online for him!

Happy Ben!

Cranky Ben

Here's some other pics from the past couple weeks:

Scooter punk

We have lots of Lego displays everywhere

Before the parks got shutdown

Park snuggles

Face of determination

Spin Art
Mini babysitter

Chatting with my harma friends

Sanitizing all my produce after shopping - thought it looked pretty

Evie and I play a lot of soccer

Jamie taught Maggie how to throw a football - she's pretty darn good!

Hike day

Doing yoga for phys. ed.

I'm bored. Send help.

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