Sunday, December 31, 2023

Goodbye 2023

It's the last day of the year, and what a good year it's been!  Time keeps chugging along, and we our best to make the most of it.  It's been a busy year with a lot of growth for our kiddos, and we are some proud parents.  

It's been a really long time since we had professional photos done, so we finally had some taken this fall:

We had a beautiful Christmas at home this year.  Taylor Swift totally took over the world, so we went with a Swifty theme for our Christmas card:

We normally do Frankenmuth right before the holidays, but this year we did it afterward with the Rabine clan.  I couldn't stand to break our 13-year tradition of going to Bronner's on Christmas Eve, so I forced the whole family to make a couple drives this year!  We got to meet Santa and get some ornaments while the kids grumbled about being bored - as is tradition!

Hi, Santa!

Bronner's has the Christmas spirit

Evie requested this selfie with the snowman

Laughing about how annoying our kids are while shopping

We went to Christmas Eve mass, and then had a beautiful Christmas morning opening presents.  My sleepy girls still weren't up by 8:30am, so we nudged them awake for poor Ben.  My parents came over for a few more presents and a delicious breakfast (mostly made by them!).  I failed to get any photos with them, womp womp.  Hard to say what everyone's favorite gifts were, but Maggie was thrilled to get an Apple watch, Evie got a powered scooter and lots of black/white tops, and Ben really loved his kinetic sand and bedroom basketball hoop (and was less impressed with his new bike).

Ready for church

Merry Christmas!

Evie wanted a picture in our matching coats
Didn't want to leave my Maggie girl out
(Ben just wanted to go home)

Santa delivered!  Maple wasn't a problem with any of the gifts
or the trees - the dog is amazing!

Waiting at the top of the stairs for the bells!

Apple watch and a giant bean bag

Looking spiffy

One of my fave gifts - Lego mosaics of the kids
Finally, a Lego purchase that I wanted!
Jamie also got our family photos printed on canvas, love him

Christmas breakfast
Unintentionally in the order of their wall photos

Shooting some hoops

Jamie and I continued our tradition of making ornaments for each other.  We both ended up picking the same show - The Righteous Gemstones (highly recommend):

Jamie's Ornament - impressive 3D printed
Baby Billie's Bible Bonkers!

The Redeemer monster truck! Pretty decent
work by this non-artist, humble brag

Later in the day we went to the Donoghues for presents and dinner.  The cousins had a great time together as always, and it was good to celebrate with the family.

Donoghue's unite!

The best of the grandbabies... at least they're all looking
in the general direction of the camera!

Surrounded by toys and they just wanted
to play in the giant bag
Justin 3D-printed us a Lego toilet paper holder

Sweet Janie

A couple days after Christmas, we spent two nights at Bavarian Inn with the Rabine side - thank you, Mom and Dad!  The kids were delighted and so happy to have all that fun time with their cousins.  Jody and Ed were able to come into town, and we got to see all of John's big kids too!

Most of the Rabine clan


A couple new well-loved faces

Feel the intensity

Celebrating Allison's birthday, followed by a 
Euchre tournament

Mmm, hot chocolate sampler

Thanks to Bobby and Al for letting Evie
hang in their room constantly!

Next Christmas, he'll be ready for the slide!

Ben singing "Bad Blood" with all the confidence at karaoke!

Trimmed this family karaoke of "Sweet Caroline" to 8 seconds to protect your ears:

Deep talks with Aunt Allison...

The kids end of the table!


Missing John

Laser Tag with the cousins!  Jamie was defeated by Pierce, who
has gained a great deal of clout with this accomplishment

Air hockey - Maggie was being very sweet playing with
Ben's slower reaction speed

Kill the aliens

Off to the Popcorn Factory for Mom's favorite food!

Obligatory annual photo

Aunt Amy took all the girls to see the Broadway production of Frozen for their Christmas gift.  The girls were really impressed by it, had a great time!

Ladies night

Dinner at Coney for the win!

Ready for the show!

A few others:

The girls had a skate night with their school,
and they did pretty well!

Rocking the blades

Maggie also tried out ice skating with her buddy,
and said it went pretty well!

Had a fun dinner with the Reeds!

Christmas sock day at Ben's school!

Enjoying Pops' split pea soup

3rd Grade music concert - she slayed


Playdate after their basketball game - they got
to do a Christmas market in Berkley!

Being cute at soccer

This girl knows how to make scrambled eggs!

Jamie's mom found this photo when cleaning the basement -
ah to be young again!

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