Sunday, February 10, 2013

No More Casts

Maggie got her casts off this past Monday!  The orthopedist said that her feet looked great, and we learned how to put her feet in her special shoes.  It's kind of hard to get her feet strapped in properly, but we'll get the hang of it soon.  Right now she has to wear the brace at all times except bath time, which we do every other night.  She doesn't seem to mind the brace at all; she's was a little extra fussy on Monday, but it wasn't much different than her usual self.  I'm so proud of her - she's been through so much, and nothing seems to bother her.  I think she's going to be a tough cookie!

After her last set of casts!
 The hardest part is finding outfits that are all snaps so that we can change her diaper without detaching anything... we have enough for now, but I have to keep my eyes open for some bigger sizes.  Let me know if you see any!

Back in the brace after bath time!

Now that the casts are off, we can give Maggie baths in her baby tub now instead of sponge baths.  She freaks out when she hits the water, but calms down after a few seconds.  Then she usually just eyes me suspiciously for the rest of the bath, like she's not sure if she should be happy or upset.  It's really cute!  She loves get lotion rubs afterward, especially on her face!

Wait... what is happening here!?

I did not approve this photo shoot!

Seriously, Mommy, is this normal?

Wacky hair!

Cuddling makes everything better!

I went back to work on Thursday and Friday, and it went very well!  Maggie sleeps until 7am, so I have time to get ready for work and then the sitters come at 7am to get her started.  I definitely missed Maggie, but it was really nice to be around new people and to get my thinking cap on again.  I'm sure the novelty will wear off, but I'm relieved that everything went smoothly!

We had a wedding last night, so Maggie spent the night at Grammer and Pops' house.  Jamie and I checked our phones constantly to make sure we didn't miss any calls, and we kept looking at pictures and videos of Maggie because we missed her so much!  I know it's a little pathetic, but she's so awesome!  Nevertheless, we had a blast at the wedding - and today I'm feeling the after-effects!

Maggie is getting more personality everyday.  She talks a little bit, but it isn't very often yet.  She still sleeps through the night, and now she usually whine-cries instead of screaming when she has gas... hopefully it will turn into quiet grunts soon!

The many faces of Maggie:

Snuggle nap with Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha ha ha...I like suspicious bath time a lot. Looks like everything is going pretty great!
