Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hand in Hand

Maggie keeps developing, I see changes everyday!  The big thing this week was that she moved her rattle from one hand to another.  She did it a few times on Wednesday, but I thought maybe it just a fluke.  Then she did it again on Friday, and I was very impressed!  I tried to get it on video, but no luck...

Last week Maggie was starting to sit up for a few minutes by leaning over and balancing on her hands. This week, she is able to stay in the position for much longer, and if I give her something to look at she can balance on her bottom for a little while.  She also seems to understand that she needs to try and hold herself in place instead of just falling over... though she still does that a lot!

Intense concentration for balance

This is all Maggie, no support!

Look what I can do! 

I wish she would roll over more, it's still a pretty rare event... she usually just rolls to her side and hangs out instead of continuing to her tummy!  We're trying to continue increasing tummy time to beef up her arm strength.

I think we have another bottom tooth ready to make its debut,  I can see it just under the surface.

Today we took Maggie to the zoo for the first time, and it was a success!  I won't pretend that she was particularly interested in the animals, but she seemed very content to look at all the new things around her.  She always seems baffled by leaves overhead.  She just stares and smiles, I love it!  We bought a zoo pass, which I think pays for itself after 2 or 3 visits.  We even get free parking!

Slathered in sunscreen and ready to go!

Daddy showing me the camels

Sorta looks like the polar bear pooped out a Maggie...

Seriously, how cool are giraffes?

Afterward we went to Vinsetta Garage for lunch, which was delightful, highly recommended!

mmm... fantastic list of beers on tap

Maggie has her 6-month checkup this week, and it feels like she's 10 lbs heavier ~ I'm curious to get her latest stats.  More to come!


  1. Don't stress about the rolling over stuff! Brady just started going from his back to his belly this week. He will be 8 months in a week.

  2. I agree with Cheryl…she might have rolled over a few times and realized that it was not cool. It could be a sign of intelligence.

    Also, I see that the Donoghue Family made the Voice of the Venture. You guys are local celebrities!
