Sunday, June 8, 2014

18 Months!

We had Maggie's 18 month check-up this week, and she is in great shape.  She met all the milestones for this age, and is still in the 98th percentile for height and weight (33.5 inches and 28.75 pounds).  This is all great news, but you wouldn't know it based on Maggie's behavior during the doctor visit.  This picture pretty much sums up our outing:

Yes, I am a terrible mother
I took the time to snap this photo
instead of comfort my child...

I'm thinking she recalls getting 4 awful shots at the last visit, and was prepared for the worst this time around!

Maggie is stringing together words now, though it's pretty hard to understand.  She's definitely saying "I did it" and "I am."  I think we're getting closer to better communication!

Our little chatterbox:

Maggie's first taste of slurpee!

Here's a fun little story...Yesterday my mom came over to help me out with a few errands around town, so I was rushing to get all the boring housework and yard work finished so I could spend the rest of the day having fun.  I was totally on track, just had to finish cleaning the bathroom.  Maggie was tagging along with me to "help" clean.  She wouldn't stay away from the toilet and toilet paper roll, so I put her in the hallway and shut the door so I could finish up quickly... but I forgot what was sitting right outside the door... two minutes later I open the door and the contents of our dust-buster are all over the hall... yuck!  Needless to say, I had to throw Maggie in the shower with me to get all cleaned up.  We dried off and I was laying out her towel and clothes on the floor when I look up and she is just standing there, looking at me as the pee puddles around her on the floor I just cleaned... I couldn't help but crack up, she just kept trying to foil my cleaning attempts!

Grammer, wait 'til I tell you what
I did to my mom this morning

Today we played on the driveway with her sidewalk chalk.  It got pretty messy, but she had a great time!

Uncle Justin would be so proud of this photo

Maggie loves her special hat from Grandma

Watchin' the tube before bedtime

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