Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor-free weekend

We had ourselves a nice little weekend together.  Three-day weekends are the best!

Friday after work we went to the park with Maggie and then walked to a nearby grocery store to pick up some items for dinner.  I grabbed a container of watermelon for the walk home because Maggie was getting hungry.  Needless to say, she was a hot mess when we got home - sticky hands and face, but very happy.

This is the life!

Saturday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's to go swimming and have dinner.  Maggie loves being in the water and likes to "dunk" Daddy by tapping his head to make him go underwater.

Eat ya heart out!

Here's Grandma (who has the energy of a teenager) giving Maggie a piggy back ride around the house:

Giddy-up, Grandma!

We decided to let Maggie watch her first Disney movies this weekend.  We started with Aladdin at Grandma and Grandpa's, but it was getting late and Maggie wasn't super into it.  Today we tried Tarzan, and she really enjoyed it.  She doesn't have the attention span for an entire movie, so every 20 minutes or so she would run to the back room to play with her chalkboard, and then come back and snuggle.

First taste of popcorn!

We've had some fun visiting with cousin Will lately.  Maggie gets pretty jealous when we hold him, but I think it's more because she wants to hold the baby, rather than being jealous of our affection.  She likes to help with bottle time too.

Let me help, Grandma

Just hanging with my cuz

Trying to give him a pacifier

We also let Maggie experiment with paint for the first time today.  She really enjoyed herself, and was very careful not to get paint everywhere.  I was pretty impressed!

Please stop disturbing this important work

Grammer watched Maggie a couple weeks ago, and was sweeping our driveway after the big storm (because she's an awesome mom like that).  According to my mom, she actually accomplished very little because Maggie wanted total control of the broom.  This week we got a big surprise in the mail - a kit with a mop, broom, duster and sweeper thingy!  Maggie has been "cleaning" a lot this week, though she likes to use the hand-held sweeper to try and brush my hair...

This is my mop.

Shoot, gotta keep on keeping on

Maggie is completely obsessed with me for the time being, and I'm eating it up!  She's normally such a daddy's girl, but she pretty much wants nothing to do with him if I'm around.  I know it's just a phase, but I think Jamie is starting to get a little annoyed!

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