Monday, August 10, 2015

Back to School

It's August... that means back-to-school time for Jamie.  He has to report back this week to start setting up his room.  Next week he has a more regular schedule of professional development, so we are going to start Evie at daycare.  I am not looking forward to the stress of planning all the bottles, packing a bajillion things and trying to get two girls out the door on time!  

Just leave me here, I can watch myself

We had an awesome visit from Claire yesterday.  Bobby and Al took Luke to the baseball game, so we got some one-on-one time with my goddaughter.  For someone with a reputation of sobbing when Mom and Dad aren't around, she totally surprised us!  Claire was a little angel the whole time, and had a lot of fun playing with Maggie.  I think Maggie enjoyed being the big kid!  

When Maggie plays with Luke, there is a lot of yelling and running and laughing.  When the girls play together, they talk in soft tones and stroll from place to place... it was pretty cute.

Playing with the princesses

"Here, let me adjust your fairy wings"

Just right

Your heart sounds good to me!

No more photos!

Maggie and Claire had a ball playing the piano together, though Maggie kept insisting on having "sheet music."  Jamie grabbed one of her books and she played a little, turned the page, played a little, turned the page... just like Mommy.  Again, both girls played very delicately.

Let's pick a different song

I'm not a player, I just watch a lot

Maggie has a very big, chubby baby doll that she has been carting all over the place lately.  This doll has always freaked us out, but now it's especially scary because she's similar in size to Evie... so you'll walk into a room, and have a mini heart attack because you see a baby face down on the floor, falling off a chair, head covered in a blanket, etc...

Phew, not Evie

Those dead eyes.  What are you planning, baby doll?

Evie is doing great this week.  She is rolling onto her side, but I haven't seen her go all the way around yet (though Jamie swears she can).  We have started calling her Thumper because of the way she slams her legs down all the time.  I always think she's going to hurt herself!  Hulk would really be a more appropriate nickname.



Daddy loves his little girl

Evie often falls asleep contemplating life's issues

Maggie is continuing to do well with potty training.  I've found the M&M's are the best incentive.  She still isn't ready to go out in public without a pull-up, but we are getting closer.  For some reason, she really wants to go on a Thomas train ride (though she never likes watching that show).  So we promised she gets a train ride once she can use the potty all the time... so I need to find a train...

I can do it!

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