Sunday, September 29, 2013

Far-Away Friends

This weekend was great - we got to see my brother John and his family on Saturday and then my college roomie Lauren and her family this morning!

We have a bunch of fall birthdays on the Rabine side, so my parents had the family over for a 6-person birthday celebration!  We got to play with all the kids and sing our long-winded version of the birthday song!  Here's my neice Katy ready for her first big high school dance:

My gorgeous niece, Katy
ready for homecoming!

Today we went to one of our fave breakfast spots to see Lauren and Ben and their adorable little Henry.  They recently moved from Hawii to Minnesota... quite a change, but it sounds like they are really happy with their new home.

Lauren and Henry @ 18 months

Maggie is pulling herself up much more often now, and is more vocal everyday.  We've heard a few new syllables, but it's pretty much always "da-da" for now.

(sorry for the annoying squeal)

Maggie's been holding her bottle for a long time, but I'm trying to get her more into eating independently.  She's does really well as long as she's leaning backward enough.  We're still working on learning to tip the bottle up when she's sitting up.  We let her have little tastes of whatever we're eating, and so far nothing seems to bug her.  I'm trying to make sure she's not snacking all day long though, just getting a few nibbles at her feed times.

Jamie left Maggie for a minute...

Playing with our socks

Good one, Mommy!

Waking up after our 2.5 hour nap...
Mommy and Maggie were pooped today!

Jamie made me post this to commemorate the end of
Breaking Bad.  Note - I would most likely not leave
our daughter in the hands of a meth-man.

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