Monday, June 1, 2015


I am feeling very old.  My baby niece and nephew just graduated from high school! What?!  We went to the ceremony yesterday at Powers High School and dinner afterward.  My goddaughter Gilly was salutatorian! It was great to see the kids and my big brother John.  I really think I've been in denial about them growing up for like the past five years, and it just hit me hard that these guys are going to college.  So proud of them!

The graduates!

Proud dad

With Grammer and Pops

Creepy Uncle Jamie had the idea to take this photo...
...if you get it, you are also creepy

On Saturday we went to our cousin Eddie's graduation party and got to see a bunch of the cousins.  Maggie made friends with some new kids and ran around with them non-stop.  Her favorite was a little girl named Josie, who was very protective of Maggie and helped her whenever she lagged behind.  She was wearing a Wonder Woman shirt and cape, so Maggie referred to her as "my friend Superhero."  I've never seen Maggie so sweaty before!

In her glory


I did not run around at the party.  I pretty
much just did this.

The rest of the week was pretty tame around here.  Evie has been all smiles this week, and it's amazing!  I love when she smiles at me and starts making all her cooing noises, as if she's trying to talk to me.  Ugh, it just makes me melt!   Some of her night feedings have increased to four hours apart, so we are slowly inching towards longer sleep sessions.

Happy girl

Still loves her sister so much

Here's a little snippet of Evie being cute:

This week on Confessions of a Mom:  Maggie is driving me crazy with her headbands.  She thinks they are princess crowns, and insists on wearing them every day.  She usually picks one that does not match her outfit, and it never really accomplishes the goal of keeping her hair out of the face.  I don't mind if we're just hanging out at home, but I just can't handle all the mismatching in public (in other news, I've turned into my mother).  

Sometimes I tell her I need to comb her hair, remove the headband, and slyly hide it under something.  She always asks where her crown is (I keep hoping she'll forget I took it)... so I ask her where she left it, as if it's her fault the headband is missing.  I'm such a meanie... but she won't throw a tantrum if she thinks she was the one to lose it...

This "crown" is staying put!

Daddy's shoes are as long as Maggie's legs

Picking flowers on our walk

Maggie feels the need to "climb" every
tree when we take walks

"Maggie, come play toys with me"


Love her little smirks

This week Maggie met our neighbor's grandson and played bubbles for over an hour!  They just chased them around non-stop.  Maggie took an awesome nap that day.

Here's Maggie serenading Evie again... she often "writes" new songs, which entail repeating a single word or two to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  Eh, musicians have to start somewhere, right?

I always sing Edelweiss to Maggie for bedtime, and in the last line I always insert her name: "Edelweiss, bless my Maggie forever."  Maggie sang the entire song to Evie the other night, and even remembered to change the last line:

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