Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Winter is Here

We had about six inches of snowfall this past weekend, first snow of the year!  It was actually really beautiful, but a bit early in my opinion!  We still have leaves on some trees!  Maggie was so excited when she looked out her window after waking up – “it’s wintering outside, Mama!”

So beautiful

In other news, Evie is now 7 months old!  She is sitting up and rolling around all over the place.  She's incredibly strong (and strong-willed)!  Evie was sleeping 12 hours at night for a couple months, but now she's waking up in the middle of the night again.  We are experimenting with her feeding schedule, so hopefully that will help!  My favorite thing about Evie right now is her giggle.  She loves to be tickled, and her laugh is so funny... most babies have little angelic, fairy-like laughs, but Evie's laugh is much deeper and gritty (? I'm finding this really hard to describe... I'll try to get a video sometime soon).  It just cracks me up!



Sunday we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Rabine side since my parents will be out of town this week.  So much good food, it was awesome!  Maggie was beyond excited to spend so much time with Luke.  They did everything together (even cheerleading each other while going potty).  Evie got lots of attention, and was a total sweetheart all night.  

A bunch of the grandkids (and Allison)

Grammer doing her Donald Duck impersonation

It's been a long night of partying!

The little ones

Mr. Mischief

Jamie finally got to meet his new niece!

Evie's latest fascination: spoons

Luke led a parade and dropped his latest single, "Dinosaur Song:"

Here's some others from the weekend:

Evie is happiest next to Maggie

Taking a break from housework to snuggle

Daddy's girls

Trying to focus a lot more on tummy time,
need to practice for crawling!

Playing at the library with Grandma!

Showing off her new bib all the way from
Japan!  Thanks, Andy and Katie!

We are working on catching and throwing with Maggie.  Turns out, balloons are awesome for practice!  Her very patient Grandpa likes to play with her:

Evie gives this week's headlines:

Short work week, woot woot!

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